Episode 9: From Clashes to Connections: Empowering Conflict Resolution with Emotional Intelligence


In this episode the Emotional Intelli-Gents will dive into the messy world of conflict management.  Conflicts arise in every business and when not properly addressed can be a major source of inefficiency for companies. The good news is, leaders can leverage their emotional intelligence to help them navigate conflicts as they arise.  

This Episode centers around 2 primary concepts. 

  1. Using the core four principles of EQ as your first line of defense when encountering a conflict.  Self-awareness and self-management allows leaders to remain calm and resolute throughout the conflict resolution life-cycle.  Further, having proper social awareness and managing relationships to positive outcomes is a critical skill we discuss and will give tips to help you develop. 

  2. The second segment focuses on providing a practical framework that leaders can use to work through any conflict big or small.  Clearly identifying the issues, acknowledging their existence, or at minimum acknowledging there is a problem is an important first step.  Keep the focus on what is right, not who is right, while working toward a resolution. Finally, identify next steps, record the plan and hold each other accountable. 

According to Vital Smart, an organizational development and training consultancy, each unresolved conflict within an organization leads to approximately 8 hours of inefficiency.  Equipping leaders with the critical skill of conflict management/resolution is a crucial skill.  This episode lays the foundation for how leaders can use their EQ to squash conflicts and bolster efficiency.

Feel free to send us an email at info@emotionalintelligents.com and share your thoughts or visit us at https://linktr.ee/emotionalintelligents

Episode 09 Transcript

Coming Soon



Episode 10: Courage: Embracing Fear to Lead Boldly


Episode 8: In Negotiations, Empathize to Compromise